Whoo Hoo! Thanks for getting up off your “Whoo Hoo” and joining me. I am Shannon the Fitness Food Diva. 1% Diva and 99% Fitness and Food Fanatic! I grew up with two brothers, one older and one younger, which made me tuff and perfect for all the sports I have played. Yet, my mom was always quick to remind me “Shannon, you’re still a girl!” Fitness is a way of life for me and having participated in several figure competitions I quickly found out how food is a compliment to getting, being, and staying Fit. My motto is: Be Fit, Be Fab, Be You!
I finally found “Mr. Almost Perfect” and we were married in the San Diego Temple on December 6, 2013.
Lucky for me, he loves my fitness way of mind and enjoys all the healthy recipes I love to make. We now not only have a Sheepdog named Guinness, who coincidently loves my food too, but we have a sweet and wild little girl named Scottie! She has taken this world by storm and amazes us everyday. She was born weighing in at 4lb 8oz and has been thriving every since. Guinness, my “first baby” loves riding with us to the gym each morning and pouts all day if we don’t take him (Dogs are people too). Being Fit, physically, mentally, and spiritually along with having a good dose of fuel (food) are very important to me, and I hope you will find what you need on this blog to inspire the Fitness Food Diva in you!