I hope everyone had a great Leg Day yesterday!!  Don’t be surprised if you are even more sore tomorrow, but today is the last weight day of this Week #5 and we are ending hitting it hard with our Back and Biceps.  Day 35 is an Active Rest Day, so you will give you body a chance to rest and recovery, but try and get in some cardio.  Ok, so today we have 4 exercises for our backs and 3 for our biceps. We will start our workout with incline ab crunches, but if you can’t do them on an incline you can absolutely do them on the mat in an incline free space.  Then we will go directly into our back workout, making sure to try and get in a few warm up reps to get the muscles loose to prevent any injury or tares.  Pay attention to the different rep counts, but we will be doing 3 sets for all the exercises.  Once we get to our Biceps you will notice the last two will consist of drop sets.  So a drop set is similar to our triple drop sets, but you are only dropping the weight once.  Make sure to challenge yourself and push to failure.  I know it can be hard sometime if you are working out alone to stay motivated, but don’t give up now, you only have 3 more weeks!  Finish today with 150 more ab reps, pound your protein shake and then go hit your cardio.  Today I ran on the treadmill and through in 20 minutes of jogging for 1 minute and sprinting for 1 minute.  Just an option.  Have a great workout and remember you can do it. 


