Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
Day 9! Here we go, time to work our Shoulders (love shoulder day). Today we are going to hammer through 6 exercises and we will do 2 warm up sets for each exercise, BUT if you do not have time OR...Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
Congrats! You made it through week 1! I hope you had a good day off from weights yesterday, but were able to get in some good cardio. Today we are back at it working our chest and triceps. Remember what OR...Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
It’s Day 6!! You have almost completed the first week of the 8 and should be feeling a little tired and sore. Today we are doing another leg day! In some of my past workouts I have had friends write OR...Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
We are at Day 5! I hope your all having a great week and enjoying your first week of this 8 Weeks! I know I am. Today we are hitting our shoulders and abs, two of my favorite body parts OR...Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
Day 4 is here and back and biceps is what we are hammering today. I hope you all had a great day of Active Rest and did some form of cardio that got your heart rate going and your body OR...Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
I hope you had a great day working your chest and triceps. Today is Day 3 and we are taking a break from the weights and just doing cardio, meaning it is an active rest day. So today, do OR...