Is getting on the treadmill the last thing you want to do? Same old thing, walking or running or a combination of both with nothing good on the T.V. and your music just isn’t getting you motivated. Well OR...
Today I would like to talk about working our LEGS. Legs is my favorite body part to work, but it also requires hard work, so today I am going to show a few good exercises that will help OR...
We don’t all have hours to spend at the gym, but want to make the time we do have worth while. And sometimes we only have time to work one body part, so I wanted to post some OR...
10 Weeks To Fitness Day 66. This is it, our last day of the program and we are ending by maxing out our chest and abs. You should be very proud of how hard you have worked and OR...
10 Weeks To Fitness Day 65 and it’s all about our legs. Time to work hard and sweat harder. We are going to hammer through 3 sets of each exercise doing 30,20,10 reps to tone and sculpt those OR...
10 Weeks To Fitness Day 64 and it’s time for out last bicep and tricep workout of this 10 week workout. I hope you are happy with how far you have come and for completing each workout day OR...