10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 60: Biceps and Abs Fitness Tips |
10 WEEKS TO FIT PROGRAM 10 WEEKS TO FIT PROGRAM 10 weeks to fit-Day 1: legs and abs 10 Weeks to Fit-Day 2: Shoulders & Abs 10 WEEKS TO FIT-DAY 3: Chest & Triceps 10 WEEKS TO FIT-DAY 4: Bicep & Abs 10 WEEKS TO FIT-DAY 5: Back 10 WEEKS TO FIT-DAY 6: Active Rest 10 weeks to Fit-Day 7: Active Rest 2 10 Weeks to Fit-Day 8: Legs 10 Weeks To Fit-Day 9: Chest & Triceps 10 Days To Fit-Day 10: Shoulders 10 Weeks To Fit-Day 11: Back & Abs 10 Days To Fit-Day 12: Biceps 10 Days To Fit-Day 13: Active Rest 10 Weeks To Fit-Day 14: Active Rest 2 10 Weeks To Fit-Day 15: Legs 10 Weeks To Fit-Day 16: Chest & Abs 10 Weeks To Fit-Day 17: Back 10 Weeks To Fit-Day 18: Shoulders & Abs 10 Weeks To Fit-Day 19-Biceps & Triceps 10 Weeks To Fit-Day 20: Active Rest Running/Abs 10 Weeks To Fit-Day 21: Active Rest 2 10 weeks To Fit-Day 22: Legs 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 23: Shoulders & Triceps 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 24: Chest & Biceps 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 25: Back & Abs 10 WEEKS TO FITNESS-DAY 26: ACTIVE REST, Kettlebells 10 WEEKS TO FITNESS-DAY 27: Active Rest 2 10 WEEKS TO FITNESS-DAY 28-LEGS & CALVES 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 29: Biceps & Chest 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 30: Back & Abs 10 Weeks To Fitness Day-31: Shoulders & Obliques 10 WEEKS TO FITNESS DAY 32-Triceps & Calves 10 WEEKS TO FITNESS-DAY 33: ACTIVE REST 1 10 WEEKS TO FITNESS-DAY 34: Active Rest 2 10 WEEKS TO FITNESS-DAY 35: BACK & ABS 10 WEEKS TO FITNESS DAY-36: LEGS 10 WEEKS TO FITNESS-DAY 37: CHEST & CALVES 10 WEEKS TO FITNESS-DAY 38: SHOULDERS 10 WEEKS TO FITNESS-DAY 39: BICEPS/TRICEPS/ABS 10 WEEKS TO FITNESS-DAY 40: ACTIVE REST/BOXING 10 WEEKS TO FITNESS DAY-41: ACTIVE REST ABS 10 WEEKS TO FITNESS DAY-42: LEGS/CALVES 10 WEEKS TO FITNESS DAY-43: CHEST & BACK 10 WEEKS TO FITNESS-DAY 44: SHOULDERS & ABS 10 WEEKS TO FITNESS-DAY 45: BICEPS & TRICEPS 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 46: Legs & Calves 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 47: Active Rest TRX 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 48: Circuit Training 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 49: Chest & Triceps 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 50: Legs & Calves 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 51: Back & Biceps 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 52: Shoulders 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 53: Triceps and Chest 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 54: Functional Training 10 WEEKS TO FITNESS-DAY 55: CARDIO & SUPPLEMENTS 10 WEEKS TO FITNESS-DAY 56: LEGS 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 57: Chest & Triceps 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 58: Back 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 59: Shoulders 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 60: Biceps and Abs 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 61: LEGS 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 62: BACK 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 63: SHOULDERS & ABS 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 64: BICEPS & TRICEPS 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 65: LEGS 10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 66: Chest & Abs
10 Weeks To Fitness Day 60! Today we are building our biceps and chiseling our core. With each exercise think about squeezing at the top of your movement to really isolate the bicep muscle, and with our cores
What if your gym does not have all of the equipment that you use? (Meaning the last three workouts)
Alternatives for those?
P.s. This program looks amazing and I can’t wait to start! Thanks for sharing!
Anytime I use a machine that your gym does not have you can always substitute dumbbells or barbell. Side lateral cable raise for shoulders can be substituted with side lat raise with dumbbells for example. Any of the leg presses can be substituted with dumbbell squats or straight leg deadlifts with either a barbell or dumbbells. So if there is something specific you need let me know.
Shannon 🙂