Free Workouts

5 Week Bump This Workout Day 2: Chest and Triceps
I hope you all have had a great Shoulder workout! Today we are moving on to our Chest and Triceps. We have 3 exercises for our Chest and 3 for our Triceps. Each exercise we will be doing our pyramid sets of 15,20,25,20,15. Make sure to really...
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5 Week Bump This Workout: Day 1 Shoulders
I am SO happy to be BACK!! My last 9 months have been happily consumed with my first Pregnancy and I loved every minute of seeing my body transform. With this transformation I stayed true to my workouts and healthy living, but within moderation. I still...
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10 Amazing Arm Workouts.
Hey everyone, Summer is quickly approaching and instead of trying to get our upper body into that toned and tightened look we want during Summer, we need to start NOW. There is know time like the present to build lean muscle and be able to feel amazing in our...
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10 Great Leg Workouts
I have had a lot of people (thank YOU) ask me for leg workouts only, so I put together 10 from different workout programs for you all to enjoy! Keep working hard and sending me request for workouts that you may want, I promise I listen!! Workout 1 Workout...
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