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8 Week Body Transformation Program
8 Week Body Transformation is now at your finger tips. All the days and workouts are available and I hope you will love it as much as I did! Daily Calendar Day 1: Legs Day 2: Chest and Triceps Day 3: Active Rest: Leave the weights alone, and get in...
read more8 Week Body Transformation: Day 56 BICEP and TRICEPS
YOU MADE IT!!! It’s the last day of this entire 8 Week Program!!! How do you feel?? I hope you feel strong, confident, and have seen some nice changes in your overall definition. I have had such a great time and hope you will continue to put forth...
read more8 Week Body Transformation: Day 55 CHEST and BACK
Hey everyone!! Welcome to Day 55.. Today is a Chest and Back day, a little different workout combination, but nonetheless super effective. We are going to bounce back and forth from chest to back exercise and then finish with some back extensions and ab twist...
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It’s LEG DAY!!! and we are down to only a few more workouts for this 8 Week Body Transformation. I hope you are all feeling stronger, leaner, and dedicated to a healthy lifestyle. Today we are doing 5 leg exercises and finishing with abs and...
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