Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
Take this 5 Weeks To Get Fit Challenge and see what you can do! All the workouts and videos to help you are listed below. Get fit for the Summer!! PRINTABLE OR Bookmark(0) Please login to...Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
How is everyone doing? Excited to know this is your LAST workout of this 6 Week Program? I hope you have enjoyed the workouts and they have empowered you and help you reach your goals. I appreciate all who have OR Bookmark(0) Please...Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
This is a great 10 Week program that will help you get fit and give you all the guidance that you need for the next 65 days, workouts below. PRINTABLE OR Bookmark(1) Please login to...Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
Alright you guys, today is the last workout for the week and we only have one more week left of our 5 weeks to get fit challenge! Today we are working our shoulders and triceps and I threw a little OR Bookmark(0) Please login to...Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
Ok, so it is Day 4 of 5 Weeks to get Fit Challenge and we are going to get those backs wide and strong. Before I confuse you, Day 3 was a rest day which I failed to tell you, OR Bookmark(0) Please login to...