Shoulder Workout

Shoulder Workout

Shoulder Day!  I hope you are all having a great week and are able to incorporate this great Shoulder workout into your weekly regime.  I love to work shoulders, but you also have to be very careful in doing so.  So make sure not to use weight that will...
Leg workout

Leg workout

Hey Everyone!!   Today I have put together a butt burning workout and hope you will enjoy it.  Leg days are one of my sweatiest day and I LOVE it.  Our legs are so powerful, so why not make them look fabulous.  Today we have six great leg exercises...
Chest Workout

Chest Workout

For today’s workout we are going to hammering our Chest!  I know this is a favorite area to work for guys, and girls you tend to shy away from it, BUT I will tell you it is a very important muscle group to work.  It helps us with so many daily life...
Back Workout

Back Workout

Hey, today is going to be a great Back Workout.  We have 5 back exercises and we will finish up with some abs and cardio.  Today Really focus on those back muscles.  Don’t use your momentum to drive the weight down.  Use your BACK!  If...
Biceps and Triceps Workout

Biceps and Triceps Workout

Today is a great Biceps and Triceps Workout!  One that you are going to want to add into your weekly workout program for sure.  You will be doing 3 exercises for Biceps and 3 for Triceps and your arms are going to be burning by the time you are done....
Leg Workout

Leg Workout

Hi, Welcome to my new, Free Leg workout.  It was a real killer today, but worth every rep.  Today I did higher reps, mod weight and really tried to burn out those muscles, especially on the leg press.  You didn’t read the workout wrong, you will...
Abs Workout

Abs Workout

Today We are working on our ABS.  There are so many different opinions about how often to work out abs, but I try to work them at least 3 times a week and hit the lower abs, the upper abs and the Obliques (sides). Abs often get worked during cardio too, but it is...
Chest and Triceps Workout

Chest and Triceps Workout

Today we are doubling up on the body parts and working Chest and Triceps!  I know I ALWAYS say this, but don’t skip out on your CHEST workouts, they are such an important muscle group so we need them strong.  We are doing Pyramid sets today so keep...