Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
Day 26 and we are working our biceps and abs. I hope you had a great leg day. Today we are going to do 5 exercises for our biceps and 3 exercises for our abs. Our first exercise we are OR...Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
Ok, we are winding down our week and it is Day 25, LEGS & ABS. I hope you all had a good day off yesterday and rested those muscle, because today we are going to hammer our legs and tighten OR...Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
5 Weeks To Get Fit Challenges brings us building those beautiful strong backs. I hope you had a great yesterday, we are closing in on our last few weeks. So today we will be doing 4 sets of 10 reps, OR...Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
Ok everyone it’s Monday and we only have 2 more weeks left of our 5 weeks to get fit challenge. I hope everything is going well and would love to hear from you and how you are doing. For our OR...Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
Today is already Day 20 of 5 weeks to get fit challenge! Time is flying by. Today we are going to work our shoulders. I know we worked them on Monday, but they have had plenty of time to rest OR...Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
How is everyone doing? I hope you are having some great workouts, I know I am. Today we are hitting our legs and ending with a finisher to really work our glutes and hamstrings. So for today we are going OR...