10 Weeks to Fitness Day 53 and we are hammering through the last workout of the week with another round of chest and triceps. Today I have the opportunity to be at Innovative Fitness to train. Last week OR...
10 Weeks To Fitness Day 52 and its’ all about our SHOULDERS. We are going to be pumping out 6 sets of each exercise with the exception of one, 12 set exercise which is what we start out with OR...
10 Weeks To Fitness Day 51 and it’s all about the double B’s, BACK and BICEPS. Today we will be hammering through 2,3,and 5 sets and complete 693 reps total. The sets where we are only doing 2 OR...
10 WEEKS TO FITNESS DAY 50 and we are focusing again on our legs and calves. Today we are doing 3 sets of 30,40,50 reps and 10,20,30 reps. No supersets today so that means we are going to rest OR...
10 Weeks to Fitness Day 49 and we are going to put up a lot of reps today training our chest and triceps. We will be doing 6 sets of each exercise and alternating back and forth between OR...
10 Weeks To Fitness Day 48 and we are plowing through 8 Circuit Training exercises. Today we are going to work all the major body parts at a quick pace. We are going to go through each exercise once, OR...