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5 Weeks To Get Fit Challenge Day 29-CHEST

Happy Monday!  Today starts the last week of our 5 weeks to get fit challenge, so let’s hit it hard.  Up first this week we are working our Chest.  Each day this last week we will be working just one body part at a time, so we can really push...

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5 Weeks To Get Fit Challenge Day-27 Shoulders & Triceps

Alright you guys, today is the last workout for the week and we only have one more week left of our 5 weeks to get fit challenge!  Today we are working our shoulders and triceps and I threw a little Ab finisher in at the end.  We have 4 exercises to get...

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5 Weeks To Get Fit Challenge Day 26-Biceps & Abs

Day 26 and we are working our biceps and abs.  I hope you had a great leg day.  Today we are going to do 5 exercises for our biceps and 3 exercises for our abs.  Our first exercise we are going to do 5 sets of 15, and then the following 4 exercises we...

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5 Weeks to Get Fit ChallengeDay 25- LEGS & ABS

Ok, we are winding down our week and it is Day 25, LEGS & ABS.  I hope you all had a good day off yesterday and rested those muscle, because today we are going to hammer our legs and tighten those abs.  Today we have 3 sets of 20 reps, with a few of the...

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