Free Workouts

10 Weeks To Fitness Day-31: Shoulders & Obliques

10 WEEKS TO FITNESS DAY 31 and we are building our shoulders and working our obliques.  Like yesterday building our shoulders will help get us that V taper we are striving for.  We will be doing supersets today, so make sure to superset the exercises labeled...

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10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 30: Back & Abs

10 WEEKS TO FITNESS DAY 30 and we are building those nice “V” backs, broad through the shoulders and narrow toward the waist, and sculpting our abs to be strong and toned.  Today there will be no supersets, so you can breath a sigh of relief and be...

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10 Weeks To Fitness-Day 29: Biceps & Chest

10 WEEKS TO FITNESS DAY 29 and time to build our biceps and shred our chest.  We are pumping out the reps again today, but we are adding some “supersets” into the mix.  “Supersets” consist of doing one exercise for a certain...

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10 WEEKS TO FITNESS DAY 28 and we are absolutely kicking our tails today.  With two days of rest from heavy lifting I hope you bring a buddy because today you are going to need some extra support.  Our legs are going to feel like jello, good jello and cardio...

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