Free Workouts

10 Weeks To Fit-Day 11: Back & Abs

10 Weeks To Fit Day 11, we are shaping our backs and strengthening our core.  Today will consist of anywhere from 3 to 7 sets of 8 to 12 reps.  We will be  pushing ourselves to failure on a few exercises.  Make sure to give yourself at least 90...

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10 Days To Fit-Day 10: Shoulders

10 Days To Fit-Day 10 and we are pushing our way to fuller shoulders.  Work through the burn and if you have to rest/pause during a set (stopping for merely seconds to regain your strength) make sure to get in one more rep than you think you can.  We will be...

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10 Weeks To Fit-Day 9: Chest & Triceps

  10 Weeks To Fit-Day-9, and we are shredding our chest and triceps.  Hopefully your legs are feeling the after burn from the leg workout and you are taking plenty of glutamine and Amino Acids for muscle recovery, development and boosting your immune system...

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10 Weeks to Fit-Day 8: Legs

So your first week of 10 Weeks to Fit is in the books, now let’s start week 2 off strong with getting the Legs pumped.  We will be doing some supersets and dropsets this week, so stretch and fuel up, you are going to need the energy.  Make sure to...

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