10 Weeks To Fit-Day 18: Shoulders & Abs

10 Weeks To Fit Day 18 and we are amping up our shoulders and strengthening our core.  Lets raise the roof with 5 sets of 10 to 15 reps and crank out 20 reps and 60 second plank holds for our Ab-ulous core.  Shoulders are such a beautiful thing and look...

Red Velvet Pancakes

It’s that time of year again where LOVE is in the air and all things hearts, flowers, chocolate and romantic gestures surround us.  Well, instead of winning your special Valentine over with chocolate candy and sweet hearts (although still much appreciated)...

10 Weeks To Fit-Day 17: Back

10 Weeks to Fit Day 17 and our Backs are on deck.  Today’s back workout is going to consists of a lot of sets and reps so make sure you fuel up before you start you will need that energy.  A good way to keep yourself hydrated is drinking coconut water,...

10 Weeks To Fit-Day 16: Chest & Abs

10 Weeks to Fit Day 16 and we are pushing through chest and firming our abs.  We are pumping through 5 and 10 sets of 10 reps.  Start off with a light set of 10 to warm up your muscles then push hard through your 10 sets with weight that will cause you to...

10 Weeks To Fit-Day 15: Legs

10 Weeks to Fit Day 15 and we are shaping our legs.  We will be alternating between 5 and 10 sets of 10-15 reps.  Your legs will start to burn so make sure to stretch after your set and give yourself 60-90 seconds of rest.  Drink plenty of BCAA’s...

10 Weeks To Fit-Day 14: Active Rest 2

10 Weeks To Fit-Day 14 means we are hitting the cardio and bursting through quick movements to get our hearts pumping.  We will be doing straddle jumps, bench jumps and 45 minutes of cardio with 5 minutes of sprint bursts.  So get fueled, work hard, stay...