10 Weeks To Fitness Day 35 and we are crunching our way to a hard core and pumping our backs to beauty. The back is so much fun to sculpt and build. Our lats are the most common OR...
10 WEEKS TO FITNESS DAY 34 and we are continuing to push our cardiovascular strength by running for 45 minutes changing inclines and then finishing with 5, 1 minute sprints. Then we will move on to 4 different OR...
10 Weeks To Fitness Day 33 Active Rest and we are going to be running, sprinting, pushing, crunching and jumping. Start off today with a positive attitude and proud of how hard you worked all week long. Today OR...
10 Weeks To Fitness Day 32 and our triceps and calves are being worked. We are staying with our 6 sets of 30,25,20,15,10,5 reps. Today we will superset the first two exercises of close grip bench press and OR...
10 WEEKS TO FITNESS DAY 31 and we are building our shoulders and working our obliques. Like yesterday building our shoulders will help get us that V taper we are striving for. We will be doing supersets today, OR...
10 WEEKS TO FITNESS DAY 30 and we are building those nice “V” backs, broad through the shoulders and narrow toward the waist, and sculpting our abs to be strong and toned. Today there will be no supersets, OR...