Free Shoulder Workout 3

Free Shoulder Workout 3

Welcome to the workout of the day.. SHOULDERS!  Today is a great workout, and adding negatives into the mix will always make those muscles work.  Today I want you to slow the rep down and really focus on the muscles you are working.  So with each rep...
Free Back Workout 3

Free Back Workout 3

Today’s Back Workout is a good one!  Well they are all good, it is just a little different in a great way.  Today as I worked my back for each exercise and for EACH rep I held and contracted the muscles I was working for that particular exercise....
Chest and Abs Workout

Chest and Abs Workout

IT’s Chest and Abs Day!!  Which means work, work, work.  We need to push ourselves to make those chest muscles “pop” and our abs tight and strong.  I know chest is not a super popular workout day for women, but remember.. YOUR CHEST is...
Shoulder Workout 2

Shoulder Workout 2

Shoulders are one of my favorite body parts to workout, but you also have to be very careful not to cause any injury, so if you need to go a little lighter on the weights so you don’t compromise form or induce any harm please do.  Make sure to superset the...
Warrior Ripped Program

Warrior Ripped Program

Welcome to the Warrior Ripped Program (WRP).  This is a 9 week program that will have you kicking butt and taking names.  I love this program, it is one of my favorites and one that I go back to time and time again to tone, tighten, lift, shed and get...
Free Leg Workout 2

Free Leg Workout 2

Get your Legs moving with this great Leg workout, perfect to add to your weekly workouts and will give you an amazing leg pump.  Today I used the Superset and Giant Set techniques, both great ways to get your legs burning and your heart pumping.  They both...