Free Workouts

Free Back and Bicep Workout 2
Today is my Back and Bicep Day! I love to combine two body parts during my workout and today my Back and Biceps got worked. I did 4 sets of each exercise and my reps were in ladder form. For Back I worked down the ladder and started with 25 reps and...
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Free Shoulder and Leg Workout
Today was a great workout and I am super excited to share it with you ALL. I love doing supersets because it gets my heart pumping and I get through my workout pretty quickly. If you don’t have a medicine ball you can substitute a dumbbell when...
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Free Back Workout 2
Hey Guys… Today was Back Day so I wanted to share my workout with you. Today I did a lot of reps, kept the weight semi heavy. Just enough to challenge myself, but not compromise on form and technique. For each exercise I increased my reps and...
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Free Triceps and Bicep Workout
HI Everyone! Welcome to my Triceps and Biceps Workout of the Day. If you have done any of my other free workouts I have implemented Supersets, and today we will be doing the same thing. I love supersets they get your workout done effectively and...
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