Back, Biceps, Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
Today is a great Back and Biceps workout. If you haven’t started weight training, today is a PERFECT day to start. Weight Training is such a great way to build strength OR...
Back, Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
Today’s Back Workout is a good one! Well they are all good, it is just a little different in a great way. Today as I worked my back for each exercise OR...
Back, Biceps, Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
Today is my Back and Bicep Day! I love to combine two body parts during my workout and today my Back and Biceps got worked. I did 4 sets of each OR...
Back, Fitness Tips, Workout Index |
Hey Guys… Today was Back Day so I wanted to share my workout with you. Today I did a lot of reps, kept the weight semi heavy. Just enough OR...